Boosters, Boosters Everywhere, But Not A Drop in Breakthrough Cases

Aditi Bhargava
5 min readDec 19, 2021

Omicron has now become the new scapegoat in our inability to rein-in this pandemic. This pandemic has exposed the virus that is eating away our society at various levels.

Propaganda and Misinformation From The NIH

In the beginning of the pandemic, we heard nonstop about flattening the curve, which was nothing but fear mongering and incorrect data presentation/interpretation by several epidemiologist. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a Stanford epidemiologist, including a Noble laureate, as well others who follow “real” epidemiology, have maintained that given this disease is not severe in 98% of the people, we should follow sensible health policies and live our lives. In response to their efforts, Dr. Francis Collins, NIH Director sends an email to Anthony Fauci and Cliff Lane asking them to discredit these scientists (Fig. 1). And yet, the mainstream media refuses to hold Collins, Fauci, and Lane accountable for libel and spreading misinformation. Where lies the real pandemic? Should we be placing our trust in these people and the agencies they run?

Fig. 1. Tweet from Dr. Jay Bhattacharya- Drs. Collins, Fauci and Lane are undermining scientists and science.

Weekly Effective COVID-19 Vaccine Could Result In More Harm Than Good



Aditi Bhargava

Dr. Aditi Bhargava is a molecular neuroendocrinologist with research focus on sex differences in stress biology and immunology.